ASLM2014 Awards
The biennial ASLM Awards Ceremony recognises individuals and laboratories committed to strengthening laboratory medicine in Africa, and it takes place during the international ASLM conference. The ASLM2014 Awards Ceremony was held in the Cape Town International Conference Centre (CTICC) main auditorium on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 to publicly honour the winners of four categories, as well as recognise winners from the ASLM2014 scientific poster submissions.
Click here to view images from the ASLM2014 Awards Ceremony.
“ASLM honours the dedication, innovation and perseverance of professionals who have overcome and addressed laboratory medicine challenges to make significant contributions,” says ASLM CEO, Dr. Tsehaynesh Messele.
ASLM2014 Awards Categories and Descriptions:
ASLM Certificate of Recognition for Accredited Government Laboratories
Recognises newly-accredited government laboratories in Africa
Ethiopia: ALERT Centre Clinical Laboratory
Kenya: National HIV Reference Laboratory
South Africa: NHLS King Edward VII Hospital Laboratory
Tanzania: Muhimbili National Hospital: Central Pathology Laboratory
Tanzania: Mbeya Referral Hospital Laboratory
Tanzania: Bugando Medical Centre Laboratory
Tanzania: National Health Laboratory Quality Assurance & Training Centre (NHLQATC)
Togo: Laboratoire d’hématologie de l’Institut National d’Hygiène
Uganda: National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory
Best Laboratory Practice Award
Encourages and recognises a sustainable laboratory improvement or best practice leading to tangible and replicable outcomes for enhanced quality in laboratory systems and patient care
Winner: Uganda Virus Research Institute’s Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Laboratory
Honourable Mention: 445 Nigerian Air Force Hospital Laboratory, Ikeja, Nigeria
Honourable Mention: Uganda Ministry of Health’s Central Public Health Laboratories
Best Laboratory Champion Clinician Award
Promotes and recognises clinicians in the field of laboratory science with profound impact and benefit to public health
Winner: Dr. Charles Awasom
Honourable Mention: Dr. Francesca Conradie
Honourable Mention: Dr. Shaffiq Essajee
ASLM Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognises an individual playing an exceptional leadership role in the laboratory sciences
Winner: Prof. Mireille Dosso
Honourable Mention: Prof. Alash’le Abimiku
Honourable Mention: Kim Lewis
ASLM2014 Conference Winning Scientific Poster Submissions:
Recognises exceptional scientific posters
1. Diagnostics and antimicrobial resistance1st: Aaron Aboderin, Genetic context for the transmissible Quinolone-resistance gene qnrS1 in Nigeria
2. Diagnositcs, Economics and Other Scientific Research1st: Pedro Catarino, Automatic quantification malaria test of thick smear
3. Laboratory systems and quality improvement1st: Cheryl Johnson, Are we delivering the wrong results? Examining misclassification of HIV status and false positive test results
4. Policy and laboratory management1st: Nei-yuan Hsiao, A snapshot of the state of adult ART programmes – an analysis of aggregated laboratory HIV viral load testing data
5. Surveillance, Epidemilogy, Economics, and Other Scientific Research1st: Mulamuli Moyo, Mentoring laboratory personnel in viral load and CD4 testing in Botswana: Successes and challenges
6: Outstanding Francophone Posters1st: Julien Nzeze, Partenariat publique/prive en RDC pour l’imlementation de l’otpion B plus ches les femmes encientes HIV positives: le cas du programme DREAM
7: Excellence in Visual Communication1st: Jean Maritz, Using laboratory information system data to assess successes and challenges of an HIV early infant diagnosis programme
2nd: Kepher Otieno, CD4 point of care testing at household-level in Kenya: Added novelty from a nationally-representative based cross-sectional survey
3rd: Eleaor Ochodo, Over diagnosis of malaria: the role of non-adherence to test negative results
2nd: Lindi Marie Coetzee, Applying the integrated tiered service delivery model in KwaZulu-Natal province to identify optimal placement of CD4 testing facilities
3rd: George Alemnji, HIV rapid testing policies and practices in the Caribbean Region: Interventions, outcomes, challenges and recommendations
2nd: Lynee Galley, Quantification of microbiology laboratory mentoring progress in Tanzania
3rd: Olatilewa Amusu, From zero to five star: the improvement process of 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital Laboratory
2nd: Angela Amayo, Innovative improvements in biosafety practices following biosafety skill-based trainings in Kenya
3rd: Dumisani Mhlongo, The use of an internal quality control programme to monitor quality assurance of HIV rapid testing in the Limpopo Province, South Africa
2nd: Inocencio Mate, Investigation of dengue in Nampula City, Nampula Province, Mozambique, 2014
3rd: Humphrey Musuluma, Remarkable reduction in downtime following implementation of laboratory equipment maintanance strategy in FHI-360-supported hospitals in Nigeria
2nd: Patrick Malumba Kabitantshi, Facteurs de pronostic de l’acces pernicieux plaustre de l’enfant a Kinshasa
3rd: Edgard Lafia, Determination du taux normal des lymphocytes TCD4+ ches le sujet sain seronegatif au VIH par une methode de cytometrie en Flux a Contonou, Republique du Benin
2nd: Eric Wakaria, Quality improvement inititatives towards provision of safe and sufficient blood in Kenya
3rd: Nassim Cassim,Assessing the impact of implementing a community CD4 laboratory in a rural health district in South Africa